Navigating Brampton Elementary School Rankings: A Quick Guide for Parents 2024

brampton elementary school students

Alright, Ontario parents, gather ’round. Picking the right elementary school for your little one? It feels like setting the foundation for their learning journey, right? With all those choices and chatter, it can be a real maze. But here’s the good news: we’ve got a map for you.

Have you ever encountered the Fraser Institute Ranking Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024? It might sound all official, but consider it your go-to guide for school performance insights. This gem lets you see how different schools stack up, make side-by-side comparisons, and home in on the best environment for your kiddo. Trust us, this can be a game-changer for parents navigating the “which school?” conundrum.

Here’s the lowdown. If you’re weighing up a few schools, this Report Card can be your ace in the hole. It will show which schools are acing the educational front and give a peek into whether they’re raising the bar or hitting a few bumps along the way. This means when you’re touring schools and grilling the staff, you’re armed with some top-notch info.

But a quick heads-up: while the Report Card is a nifty tool, it shouldn’t be your only source of info. Check out other spots like websites from Ontario’s Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), the local education gurus, and the school boards in your area. And here’s a tip: always tune in to the grapevine – I mean, insights – from other parents. Those with kids already in the mix can give you the real scoop.

Lastly, remember that rankings and grades are excellent, but paint only some of the picture. Schools are about more than just ABCs and 123s. The Report Card might gloss over many programs, activities, and experiences, but it could be just what your child needs.

So, to sum it all up: the *Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2020*? Great starting point. But mix in some other resources, sprinkle in some parent intuition, and you’re golden.

Good luck on your elementary school hunt!

Brampton Elementary Schools Ranking – Top 50 Best Elementary Schools in Brampton ON

RankingSchool NameScore 2022 – 23Rank 2022 – 23City
2Khalsa Community101/3021Brampton
3Sacred Heart9.177/3021Brampton
4Pte. Buckam Singh8.1299/3021Brampton
5Our Lady of Fatima8337/3021Brampton
6St. Alphonsa7.9387/3021Brampton
7Pauline Vanier7.8433/3021Brampton
9Sir Isaac Brock7.5571/3021Brampton
11Good Shepherd7.4626/3021Brampton
13St Stephen7.4626/3021Brampton
15Holy Spirit7.1808/3021Brampton
17Great Lakes7888/3021Brampton
18Countryside Village6.9963/3021Brampton
19Georges Vanier6.9963/3021Brampton
20Mount Royal6.9963/3021Brampton
21Our Lady of Lourdes6.9963/3021Brampton
22St Angela Merici6.9963/3021Brampton
23St Josephine Bakhita6.9963/3021Brampton
24St Cecilia6.81026/3021Brampton
25St Ursula6.81026/3021Brampton
26St Francis Xavier6.71101/3021Brampton
27Tribune Drive6.71101/3021Brampton
28Father Clair Tipping6.61165/3021Brampton
29Mountain Ash6.61165/3021Brampton
30St Brigid6.61165/3021Brampton
32Robert J Lee6.51231/3021Brampton
33Carrefour des Jeunes6.41300/3021Brampton
35Father Michael McGivney6.31366/3021Brampton
39St Monica6.31366/3021Brampton
40St. Jacinta Marto6.31366/3021Brampton
42Father Francis McSpiritt6.21444/3021Brampton
43Whaley’s Corners6.21444/3021Brampton
44Beryl Ford6.11525/3021Brampton
45Ross Drive6.11525/3021Brampton
46St Isaac Jogues6.11525/3021Brampton
47St Jean Brebeuf6.11525/3021Brampton
48St Mary6.11525/3021Brampton
50James Grieve61590/3021Brampton

Brampton Public Elementary Schools Ranking – Top 32 Best Public Elementary Schools in Brampton ON

RankingSchool NameScore 2022 – 23Rank 2022 – 23City
1Pte. Buckam Singh8.1299/3021Brampton
3Sir Isaac Brock7.5571/3021Brampton
7Great Lakes7888/3021Brampton
8Countryside Village6.9963/3021Brampton
9Mount Royal6.9963/3021Brampton
10Tribune Drive6.71101/3021Brampton
11Mountain Ash6.61165/3021Brampton
13Robert J Lee6.51231/3021Brampton
14Carrefour des Jeunes6.41300/3021Brampton
19St. Jacinta Marto6.31366/3021Brampton
21Whaley’s Corners6.21444/3021Brampton
22Beryl Ford6.11525/3021Brampton
23Ross Drive6.11525/3021Brampton
25James Grieve61590/3021Brampton
26Mount Pleasant Village61590/3021Brampton
27Roberta Bondar61590/3021Brampton
28Ray Lawson5.81729/3021Brampton
30Eagle Plains5.61868/3021Brampton
31Castle Oaks5.12146/3021Brampton
32Sir Winston Churchill0.63003/3021Brampton

Elementary Schools Rankings:

High Schools Rankings:

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